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Streamline Your Grant Management Process: A Nonprofit’s Guide

Whether you’re just starting a new nonprofit organization or you already have a handle on the grant management process, having a streamlined grant process is key to effectively running your nonprofit. It…

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Grantmaking Best Practices for 2023

As the charitable sector grows, grantmakers face increasing competition to attract and support the right recipients and nonprofits. In order to keep up with the latest trends and needs of the nonprofit…

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Strategic Roadmap Planning for Nonprofits: How Technology Can Help

As technology continues to advance, it has become increasingly important for nonprofits to incorporate it into their strategic roadmaps. Whether you’re a small grassroots nonprofit or a large established organization, technology can…

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Next Gen Nonprofit Cloud: The Evolution of Salesforce for Nonprofits

Since 2005, Exponent Partners has been committed to our mission of helping nonprofits be radically better at driving social impact. Our team’s work has helped equip organizations working in human services, education…

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Creating a Strategic Roadmap For Nonprofits: Where To Start

Picture this: a group of enthusiastic volunteers gathered around a whiteboard, brainstorming ideas for their nonprofit organization’s future. They throw out buzzwords like “impactful” and “sustainability,” nodding eagerly as they scribble down…

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Change Management Process for Nonprofits: 3 Crucial Steps You Shouldn’t Skip

The effectiveness and long-term success of any company or organization—especially those operating in the nonprofit sector—requires a willingness and ability to deal with and adapt to situations of change. This means that…

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Finding the Right Change Management Model for Your Organization

Planning a big technology change at your nonprofit organization? There are many important factors to consider at each stage of the process: before, during and after the change. Unfortunately, knowing where to…

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Change Management Principles for Nonprofits

Navigating change can be hard, even for those who are naturally more likely to be open-minded to new processes and technology platforms. Understanding the challenges that organization-wide change can bring to individual…

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White Paper

Change Management: Rocket Fuel for Implementing New Technologies

There is a parable that says ‘the only constant is change’. Change as it relates to technology and the human users of that technology can have a huge impact on how successful…

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Nonprofit HR: The Role of HR in Nonprofit Organizations

If an organization was a family, Human Resources (HR) would be the caring parent who makes sure everyone gets along and fulfills their potential. They may be responsible for handling administrative tasks…

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