5 Best Practices for Thriving Workforce Development Programs

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Workforce development, in its many forms and facets, is a critical component to improve equity and create a more inclusive society with economic opportunities for all. So how can you make a difference in your community by empowering people through workforce development? We tapped into our 16 years of experience helping nonprofits to distill the secret sauce that makes employment programs go from good to great.

Download this helpful guide to discover:

  • best practices of successful workforce development programs
  • how to engage the community at large in your efforts
  • methods that help you stay compliant and increase funding

Exponent Case Management is the most comprehensive case, program, and impact management platform for your Workforce Development agency. Ideal for all stakeholders from career coaches and job developers to program managers and agency leaders alike, the application is full of intuitive features that can be customized to meet your unique needs. It includes sector-specific intake, assessment, service plans, group training, individual services, placement and retention, employer engagement, outcomes reporting, and more. Built on the Salesforce platform, Exponent Case Management allows you to directly connect your program data to your impact with employer, funder, and WIOA performance reporting at your fingertips.